일반형 뉴스형 사진형 Total 6
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
  2019 Financial Report (Unit: $) Beginning Balance as of 01/01/2019      4,964.44 Lifetime Membership Fee       &nb…
웹섬김… 07-27 324
 Dear KAAPA members, I am pleased to announce the 2019 KAAPA conference grants for Korean doctoral students. In 2018, KAAPA gave the first conference grant to Kwangjin Lee, a former Ph.D. student of Michigan St…
웹섬김… 01-28 11005
Dear KAAPA members,   I am excited to announce that KAAPA will host “Bootcamp for Textual Analysis using Python 3” in January 2019. Text analysis for empirical research is attracting greater attenti…
웹섬김… 01-06 1249
Dear KAAPA members, I am pleased to announce that Kwangjin Lee, a Ph.D. candidate at Michigan State University, has been selected as the recipient of 2018 KAAPA conference grant. He expects to defend his disse…
웹섬김… 01-06 11054
 RE: KAAPA Financial Statement for Year 2017  Dear KAAPA members,We have prepared the KAAPA financial statement for the fiscal year 2017. Please see the report below. We have used cash-basis accountin…
웹섬김… 07-29 1243
Dear KAAPA members,I am pleased to announce KAAPA conference grants for doctoral students. KAAPA will provide financial support for TWO doctoral students who will make a presentation at the 2018 AAA annual meeting in Was…
웹섬김… 01-15 11230